Imagine: Institution to Missional Church Course

Imagine: The Journey from
Institutional to Missional Church

This course will help you reshape your church culture into a community of Jesus-followers who: (1) not only hear God’s truth but actually do it, (2) express their love for the Lord not just do things for Him, (3) experience a contemporary Jesus not just a historical One, and (4) see themselves as ministers of the gospel who are equipped for works of service. Join other ministers for these dynamic discussions and feel your ministry confidence grow!

Life and Ministry Empowered by Gratitude

In this session, we will look at how to cultivate gratitude in your relationship with God, being mindful to meditate and prayerfully respond.

Introduction to Whole-life Discipleship

In this session, we will discuss Whole-life Discipleship, the focus of John 10:10 broadens from only focusing on faith to including other dimensions of abundant life or flourishing.

Assessing Current Reality

In this session, we will discuss the Creator, who is completely sovereign and able to create Adam in any way He desired, chose to create Adam to need both a relationship with God and other humans.

God’s Ultimate Upstream Strategy

In this session, we will discuss that a heart of love for the people we lead is the core of relational connecting, just as it is the core of Christ’s words and practice.

Loving the Real God

In this session, we will discuss the sequence of changing church culture.

De-constructing Discipleship as We Know It

In this session, we will decide: Do we have the courage to deconstruct discipleship as it exists today?

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What is “Whole–life” Discipleship?

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I come so that they would have life, and have it abundantly”
(John 10:10).

In “Whole–life” discipleship, the focus of John 10:10 broadens from only focusing exclusively on faith to including other dimensions of “abundant life” or flourishing such as relationships, wellness, vocation, and finances.

This course was created to help you flourish in your faith! For more faith focused courses, click on one of the course titles below!

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